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2018 Spring Rosary Pilgrimage

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist hosts an annual fall parish picnic at Cathedral Carmel School next to the church. CDA members hosts and provides sweets for church members.

2018 CDA Education Winner

Court Immaculata organizes and conducts two rosary pilgrimages each year. The members visit multiple churches and recite a decade of the rosary at each site along with a presentation of a brief history of the church.

Past pilgrimages included sites such as Charleen Richard's grave, Sacred Heart Shrine, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and other historic churches.

2018 Spring Rosary Pilgrimage

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist hosts an annual fall parish picnic at Cathedral Carmel School next to the church. CDA members hosts and provides sweets for church members.


September 26, 2021 Father Arceneaux's Birthday Picnic 

CDA Court Immaculata provides sweets for Father Arceneaux's Birthday Celebration at E'lveche. 

August 2021 - School Supplies donated to Holy Family School 

CDA Court Immaculata provides school and teacher supplies to Holy Family Catholic School to kick off their school year. 


May 2021 - CDA 8th Grade Scholarship Winners 

CDA Court Immaculata provides a $250 Scholarship to an 8th and 12th Grader attending a Catholic School. See the CDA Court Regent, Birgid Guillory (left) presenting the CDA Court and State 8th grade scholarship to Cathedral Carmel School  (CCS) recipients:

CDA Court winner - Lucy Quartz (middle)

CDA State winner - Kate Howard (right)


2018 CDA Winners:


Emma Menard, Essay Division 2

State 1st & National 2nd Place


Court Immaculata New Website

State & National - 1st Place

Emma Menard (pictured left), a 7th Grade student at Cathedral-Carmel School, placed first in the state and 2nd nationally for her essay, “Finding Joy in My Life.”


Emma is shown with Court Regent, Debra Billeaud.


                           Finding Joy in my Life -- DANDELIONS


The key to finding joy in your life is to fall in love with the little things.  This is because the ‘little things’ are what make up each and every day.  In God’s eyes, these things matter the most.  In my opinion, the perfect example of this concept is a dandelion.


It takes a truly joyful person to be glad in the presence of a dandelion.  Anyone can be happy when gifted with a rose, but blessed are they who are giddy at the sight of a dandelion.  Dandelions, to me, represent the fact that even weeds are important and can bring happiness to people.  I love to make a wish on a breezy summer day, and watch the seeds scatter, thus spreading my wish throughout the soft earth.  Similarly, truly joyful people, spread the feeling of glee wherever they go.  These people, of course, love roses, but appreciate dandelions, also.  They understand that life isn’t always composed of roses and trips to Disney World.  It more often consist of dandelion wishes and leaves falling gracefully from trees in the fall.  They are ever aware that God created all living things.  Therefore, they understand the sanctity of little moments.


As Catholics, we are taught the importance of little things.  We learn to revere all life, born and unborn.  Pro-life organizations believe that all unborn babies should be carried to term.  They argue that these babies have the potential to grow up to cure cancer, advocate for world peace, and become important missionaries to third-world countries.  All of these things have one common denominator: they bring joy to people.  These unborn babies are like dandelions, small, fragile, yet equipped with the great power to bring cheer to others.  They are underappreciated, but matter the most in God’s eyes, as they fill people’s hearts with joy.


In conclusions, opportunities to be joyful are all around; you need only know where to look.  I encourage you, to find joy in the dandelions of this world.  Anyone can stop and smell the roses, but a select few will also pause to wish upon a dandelion of two.

Patterson Court Installation Reception -

CDA New Court Installation - St. Catherine of Siena

Pictured from Left to Right are:

Fr. Herb Bennerfield, Pastor St. Joseph Church, Patterson, Louisiana

Bridgett Taylor - Treasurer Court St. Catherine of Siena, Patterson 

Cheryl Luke - Newsletter Editor Court Immaculata, Lafayette

Regina Wheeler - Financial Secretary Court St. Catherine of Siena, Patterson

Marilyn Long - Financial Secretary Court Immaculata, Lafayette

Nicole Brocata - Regent Court St. Catherine of Siena, Patterson

Ruby Delaune - Vice Regent Court St. Catherine of Siena, Patterson

Anna Picou - Recording Secretary Court St. Catherine of Siena, Patterson

Judy Caswell - Recording Secretary Court Immaculata, Lafayette

Suzanne Eason - Vice Regent Court Immaculata, Lafayette

Patterson Court Installation Reception -
Patterson Court Installation Reception -
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