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About Us

Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See.


Who Are The Catholic Daughters?

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” 


The CDA was formed over 100 years ago and today numbers 70,000 dues-paying members in 1,250 courts (local chapters) in 45 states across the country, and in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, Kenya, and Peru.Catholic Daughter women enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their parishes and communities. Deeply spiritual, together they share faith, love of God and a distinctly feminine spirituality alluded to by Pope John Paul II when he spoke of the necessity of “feminine genius” in today’s world. The program includes concerns of today’s church and society as well as issues that affect the well-being of women and children. 


Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Immaculata #503 was formed in May 16, 1920 as the fourth court in Louisiana with 53 charter members. The charter was signed by Mary E. Duffy, Supreme Regent and M. Kelly, National Secretary. Mrs. George Lessley, first Court Regent.


Court Immaculata started the Children's Carnival Krewe of Oberon. Court Alice Boucher inherited this project then turned it over to the Krewe of Oberon which is still being held yearly. The Court donates to many charities including: Faith House, Covenant House, Tutwiler Clinic and the Seminary Fund. Our Court is the mother court of Alice Boucher 1537, Our Lady of the Rosary 1613 and St. Jules 1997 and other courts around Louisiana.


CDA Court Officers 2020 - 21.JPG
Brigid Guillory,
Wendy Mouton, Vice-Regent
Cheryl Luke,
Dionne Parker, Secretary
Rachel Blanchet, Financial Secretary
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